Welcome To Mistyc House
NOTICE: We have just revised and updated this site to be more of a "Futuristic Retro" theme using many of the same fun images and animations the original site had.
Most of these articles were written shortly after the inception of this Website back in 1999, but are still pertinent today.
While you are here, be sure and sign our guest book or drop us an e-mail. We enjoy your comments and interaction...and so does HAL!

Mistyc House
Mission Statement

The Goals & Objectives of Mistyc House:
~Educate humans on how big corporations operate by deliberate mismanagement, misinformation, and hoarding money in an effort to control and own the planet and all the life forms living here.
~Free spirits (human & other species) from self-imposed and projected confinements/traps.
~Free the human mind, body & spirit from corruption, disease, control and manipulation through education that inspires action.
~Free animals from needless slaughter/poaching through education that inspires action.
~Free animals who endure a life of inhumane torture and suffering in factory farms through education that inspires action.
~Create a safe haven/shelter for chickens & ducks, and give them a forever home on a sustainable organic homestead at Mistyc House.
~Free plants and animals from genetic manipulation and corruption through education that inspires action.
~Support, utilize and promote permaculture and other sustainable modalities.
~Honor, uphold and spread - Truth & Justice through personal effort and the placement of Aurauralite/Aulmauracite throughout the planet.
~Assist/Support First Wave Indigo Knights and other Cosmic Clean-up Crew Members in remembering and implementing their personal and collective earth contracts/missions.
~Illuminate the planet through Senseless Acts of Random Humor.

About Mistyc House & Laura Lee Mistycah
NOTICE: Most of these articles were written shortly after the inception of this Website back in 1999, but are still pertinent today.
While you are here, be sure and sign our guest book or drop us an e-mail. We enjoy your comments and interaction... and so does HAL!