Psychic and Medical Intuitive Readings
With Author, Teacher, Spiritual Consultant
& First Wave Indigo Steward

Laura Lee Mistycah
NOTE: Due to the rising number of First Wave Indigo Knights waking up and needing support, Laura Lee has become extremely busy. At this time, she can only take on 2 or 3 new clients a month, as each client takes time and energy for her to personally assist. Also, Laura Lee ONLY offers her "Private Sessions" to First Wave Indigo Adults.
(If you would like a quality psychic reading, we highly recommend Laura Lee's Ghost Buster Partner -- Ronnie Rennae Foster.)
You can contact her at:
and read about her at:

How To Set Up a Reading
Email First
The best way to set up readings is via e-mail.
Send me an email at:
You must have an Aurauralite pendant or rocks to work with during your session.
They can be purchased from the treasure chest below.
House Grid
It is important to grid your house before your session.
Or your bedroom if this would be more appropriate for your living situation.
Service Project
A service project must be completed by gridding your town or a place in your town that needs a good dose of “Truth and Justice!”
We supply a set of 5 house and 5 town grid rocks complimentary with your rock or pendant order.
These steps are set up to to help each FW-Indigo become more self-reliant and to make sure they are serious about working with Laura Lee. Placing grids helps catapult you into your mission as a UV-Realm Knight and is also a huge service to the rest of the Indigo nation and the planet! If you are doing a MAJOR grid, let us know and we will send you an extra one for that specific grid. :o)
If you would like a session, you must read:
Kryahgenetics, the Simple Secrets of Human Alchemy - This book is filled with not just useful information, but vital information... (And since Hal helped write it, it is really funny too! ;o)
Read the First Wave Indigo Traits and send Laura Lee your reply to how each one does or does NOT apply to you, plus a picture and any information about yourself that you feel is important.
Articles #1 through #12 on the Table Of Contents page of plus as much of the rest of the site as you can.
You also need to have a good visual image of this Kryahgenetics Egg (print if necessary) for a short meditation at the beginning of the session. This will insure the most efficient use of our time during your session. (Meditation can be found on this page, Etheric Implant Removal Protocol, under the picture of the Kryahgenetics Egg.)
Laura Lee schedules both day and evening appointments. Readings are $200.00 per hour but can be purchased in 15-Minute increments for $50.00 each. Most first time readings take at least 45-60 Minutes and can be purchased from our shop, the Treasure Chest. When you purchase your FIRST session, the first 15 minutes of THAT Session are complimentary. :o
NOTE: If you are living outside the U.S. Laura Lee does sessions via telegram (user name LauraLee Mistycah), facebook (username Laura Lee Mistycah) and skype username Lady Mistycah.
Fill out this questionnaire and attach a picture of yourself, then e-mail it to Laura Lee at:
Session Guidelines and Procedures
If you are considering a reading with Laura Lee Mistycah,
here are some guidelines that will assist you in getting the most out of your session with her.
Read the information about Aurauralite, The Magical Mystical Stone of Truth - These stones/pendants are extremely useful in balancing energies, and bring truth to the surface. Readings with Laura Lee are more efficient when the client has one with them during the session.
If you are having a medical intuitive reading, you may want to read the information in "Mistyc House of Healing" for more background on Laura Lee's work. *If you would like an Indigo Reading, go to the "First Wave Indigo" page and respond to each item on the list of Indigo Traits, and tell how it either DOES or DOES NOT apply to you. Send this back in an e-mail. (You can put it on a word doc. if you wish.)
Send Laura Lee a picture of yourself to put in her file for you.
NOTE: If you are living outside the U.S. Laura Lee does sessions via which is a web chat that is much more secure and stable than skype. Once an appointment time is confirmed, Laura Lee will send you a link to open up the room at the appointed time If that is not possible her Skype screen name is LadyMistycah
Copy and print this picture of the Kryahgenetics Egg to be used in a short meditation at the beginning of the session. (….or, if you have a "photographic memory"……that works too : )
Preparing For Your Session
Have some bottled or purified water to drink during your session.
Make sure you have a pen and plenty of paper for taking notes, especially for Indigo Contracts and Guide/Guardian readings.
If you have any specific questions, be sure and have those ready. If there is background information about yourself that you feel needs to be shared, have that ready also.
Light candles and purify the room prior to your session how ever you feel appropriate. Having some soft meditative music playing in the background is especially helpful.
Please have call waiting blocked if you have that option, as it interferes with the flow of your session.
If you have small children, make sure someone is there to take care of them so you can focus and relax during your session.
It is recommended that you take some time before the consultation to relax and get in tune with your Soul Suemah. When your session is finished, it is useful to take some more time (and more notes) to contemplate the information given during your session. You will probably come up with many "ah-ha’s," profound wisdom, and answers to your own questions!
It is not unusual for people to get thirsty, hungry, or sleepy after their session so if at all possible, be kind to your body and give it what it asks for. It is highly recommended that you drink a lot of water or herbal teas during the day of your session, and especially after… as it is very common for vast amounts of energy to serge, as well as debris that is released and removed. This tends to dehydrate people, as they are using their fluids to transport high amounts of Electro Magnetic Energy… so… "Drink like a fish!"
Sessions are calculated in segments of $50.00 per ¼ hr. Initial sessions usually take at least 1 hour. If you feel you need more time when your pre-paid session is finished, Laura Lee tries to leave time open before her next session in case more time is required. (When this happens, you can either put the extra time on your credit card or send her a check.)
When an appointment time has arrived, make sure you have given Laura Lee your phone number if you live in the US. She will call you. NOTE: If you are living outside the U.S. Laura Lee does sessions via telegram (user name LauraLee Mistycah), facebook (username Laura Lee Mistycah) and skype username Lady Mistycah.
Love, UV-Light, Laughter to you……& Good Journey!
If you feel you cannot afford a private session at this time, you will find that once you get an Aurauralite pendant or rock, there is enough FREE and PRACTICAL information on, and and her Youtube Channel to offer extreme assistance you can’t get anywhere else.
"I have felt happier, depression is mostly gone, headaches have been diminished and I have this feeling of solidarity I felt I had lost forever..."
In early March I got in touch with Laura Lee. I was having a hard time concentrating and keeping my sights above the waterline. She suggested some work with eliminating my Kundalini and my Chakras
She started by explaining this was something she had been through and had helped her in a good and big way. She proceeded to go up and down my spine of my Chakra line speaking about removing the chakras and installing the original figure 8 looping system. Then she helped me remove the Kundalini snake at the base of my spine. I hadn't slept that well in decades and that evening and the ensuing days I noticed that I felt "lighter" for lack of a better word. She returned a call a couple of days later and asked me if I had benefitted at all. I told her that I felt more streamlined, consolidated (as 'one' to a much higher degree) and something I didn't bring up in that conversation was that I felt free. It was like I was lying stationary on the bottom of the ocean or a lake and couldn't get out of this posture.
Since that evening when we did some "work" I have felt happier, depression is mostly gone, headaches have been diminished and I have this feeling of solidarity I felt I had lost forever, as in only a memory.
Trust me I am the most doubting of all Thomas's on the planet and have studied conventional psychology and medicine and believe this to be a quantum leap in my recovery from so many things that have occurred in the past (too many decades to mention) a laundry list of med problems etc.
Thank you for listening, and thank you, Laura Lee, for spending time and energy with me. I do take stock in things like the power of women to act as emissaries in between this high-density plane and the (what I term, the spiritual realm, sometimes the ethereal plane).
Don G.
Musician – Log Cabin Builder
"I have found the right person."
My very first private session with Laura Lee was fantastic. When I heard her soothing, loving, gentle, kind voice over the phone, right away I knew this is it. I have found the right person. Her sessions were very in-depth and interesting. I always looked forward to our next appointment. I felt awesome after each session.
Much love and gratitude to Laura Lee.
Sierah M.
Business Development Executive
"Where to begin? My life has completely changed since my first private session."
I had been doing my inner work for years and in some regards I was doing very well. However, I still had a lot of confusion and inner turmoil. What was discovered is that I had some unwanted ‘guests’ that were interacting with me in ways that created much confusion and turmoil. As if that wasn’t enough, I felt their turmoil as my own. They were competing for superiority over each other as well as for my attention. No fun!!! After much work, I am now clear of it all. No small feat!!!
I now also have a clear knowing of who I am and what some of my contracts are. There are more contracts to be discovered…when it is appropriate. I also know who my true guides are, not those pretending to be guides and doing nothing to help. What I find so very interesting is that I have had clues about these things all along. I either discounted what I sensed and felt, or some outside thing would do something to confuse me. Now that I am the other side of it, I can easily see how different experiences in my life have had purpose. It now makes sense-the helpful and the not so helpful stuff.
Laura Lee brings much wisdom, knowledge and a tremendous skill set to the table. She has been able to assist me in becoming clear and being able to tap into the truth of who I am and what I am here to do.
I am very grateful to Laura Lee for assisting me in my journey. She has been a tremendous ally and friend! Very well done Laura Lee!
Linda S.
Registered Nurse
"She is very humble and has a great sense of humor."
I had been suffering from excruciating fibromyalgia pain for many years. Laura Lee Mistycah did a remote muscle skeletal treatment on me and reduced it by 30%, which was a great relief. She also helped me manifest my dream job. For someone who had been struggling throughout her whole life, to the point of being homeless, it was an amazing achievement. It was the highest paying position I ever had.
She is a person with a strong desire to help. She is very humble and has a great sense of humor. None of these traits had I ever found in any other healer.
Marianna G.
Feng Shui Consultant
"She is a loving and compassionate person who can find the humor in the darkest of moments to bring the truth of life back into balance."
Laura Lee’s private sessions have been life changing for me. She has a great depth of knowledge, understanding and experience about many virtues and inner workings of life. She has a vast tool box of healing modalities and energetic weapons to guide you and help move you into the place you desire.
I have had challenging experiences that I have had to face that unfortunately popped up in a regular fashion. She has never given up on me and the situations I face. Instead she continues to guide me and have my back in the psychic and spiritual battles I face. Beyond all of that she is a loving and compassionate person who can find the humor in the darkest of moments to bring the truth of life back into balance.
I love and trust her and thank her for all the time she devotes to living her purpose and helping humanity.
Alicia S.
Home Schooler
"I first heard LauraLee being interviewed by Sienna Lea and then George Kavassalis, two people I deeply honour."
I SO enjoyed connecting with LauraLee. I had felt an increasing sense of lostness and a deep yearning to connect with my Soul /Star family. I first heard LauraLee being interviewed by Sienna Lea and then George Kavassalis, two people I deeply honour. From there I read a lot of the Kryagenetics material and felt AT HOME. I purchased my rock friends who I am developing a continuing relationship with. I set up a house grid regularly as I move around a lot. On a few occasions I was drawn to have people I know hold the rocks and listen to how they experience them.
I have had 3 sessions with LauraLee. The first was what I would call mind blowing hearing that I am part of the Hologram Rescue Team. This continues to be an ongoing realization as I have been a double agent for SO long this lifetime it does create challenges for me to truly KNOW this. I have discovered how entangled I have become in the distortion fields and is an ongoing journey to deconstruct the lies and begin to fit the pieces of the puzzle together organically.
N. Lang
"Overall, my encounter so far with LauraLee has been mythic, in the sense that I'm no longer primarily focused on 'seeking answers'... now the focus is actualizing the answers I have."
Finding Laura Lee's work has been like some kind of spiritual landslide for me... all the little insights from my past, all the easily forgotten intuitions about spiritual teachings I encountered, took on an earth-moving significance once I began the process of removing my chakras, and other forced connections. This was greatly accelerated by Laura Lee's input during the private session. She provided guidance and then let me do the energy work on myself, while monitoring.
Very empowering. Overall, my encounter so far with LauraLee has been mythic, in the sense that I'm no longer primarily focused on 'seeking answers'... now the focus is actualizing the answers I have. Much appreciation.
Khalil P.
United Kingdom
"I feel I have a tool now for divining my future, and healing my past."
In November 2002 I learned I was a First Wave Indigo. The journey back to my true self began there. I spent all my spare time exploring and learning about who I am and why I am the way I am. In Oct. 2003 I had my first reading done by yours truly, Laura Lee Mistycah. This helped me to move onto the next part of my journey.
She confirmed a few things I knew I wanted to accomplish in this life. It is always nice to know you are on the right track and have conformation of that. The reading also gave me new avenues to explore and gave me focus. I feel I have a tool now for divining my future, and healing my past. I have a tool for decision making. I have a tool for personal growth. Most importantly, I can now see my life's purpose.
Laura Lee is phenomenal in her gifts. I strongly recommend her readings, indigo readings, or one of her Kryahgenetics healing sessions. It has been my experience that sometimes the past is too painful to remember, and through Kryahgenetics the monsters are extinguished without having to relive their terror.
Adele S.
Television News Photographer
"Her openness, lack of rigid dogma and humor inspired a trust in me, which I have found hard to come by in this "esoteric" field."
Laura Lee is beyond a doubt a very gifted woman/individual. Her openness, lack of rigid dogma and humor inspired a trust in me, which I have found hard to come by in this "esoteric" field.
During my session with her she brought forth information that would be difficult if not otherwise impossible to obtain from other sources. She was able to skillfully discern current challenges in my life with such ease, clarity and grace that I was both amazed and for some strange reason amused. She acknowledged personal qualities/ tendencies/gifts of which I was already aware and numerous others of which I had suspected and possibly even secretly hoped but was not completely certain of. She was able to delineate in a very clear and concise manner personal and professional goals, or longings if you will, of which I have rarely spoken of, but have held very close to my heart.
She also discussed different techniques which I could use to acknowledge, activate, and empower the Goddess energy within. Being a woman in a predominately male oriented profession can be quite difficult. I have found that many colleges have disregarded the importance of the Goddess energy in maintaining the overall balance. Many have been sold out on the belief that attempting to copy the male energy is the only way to succeed. She honored and glorified the importance of female energy in the overall scheme of things.
There was so much information given during the session that I am glad I wrote it down as quickly as I could and as she had requested because now, more than four weeks later as I re-read the notes, I understand and appreciate them more fully.
Thank-you Laura, for sharing your Light, Love and Laughter with me and the rest of the world. You have assisted me in more ways than I have acknowledged.
Sigrid. P.
"I can easily recommend her expertise to those with an open mind and positive intentions."
I receive such clarity of information and insight when I get a channeling from Laura Lee --- enough so that choosing a direction from objectivity is easier and more balanced. I have also received healing from Laura Lee, and I can easily recommend her expertise to those with an open mind and positive intentions.
J. White B.A., RMT., D.D.
Holistic Counselor
"I laughed more in those two hours of our session than I have in the last year."
I heard Laura Lee on the Jeff Rense show on the Jan. 30th broadcast. I started crying as I listened, saying out loud "I do belong somewhere." My life finally started making sense. I went to her website's Indigo page and cried some more as I read, as all of the criteria applied to me, except those relating to male indigos.
I immediately scheduled a session with her, and it reaffirmed at the deepest level of my being that yes, I belong. I am an indigo. I laughed more in those two hours of our session than I have in the last year. Every one of my soul contracts makes perfect sense, and falls right in line with my eclectic interests and studies over my 49 years. I have always worked at jobs that felt like menial, degrading work, well beneath my abilities while pursuing what interested me on the side - metaphysics, music, dance, "fringe" scientific theories, working with nature. The years of wondering why I chose such a dark, abusive childhood are ended now. It all makes perfect sense, and all serves a higher meaning and purpose. I now celebrate who I am rather than wondering why I've always felt like I was stripped naked and hung out to shiver naked in the wind. A person learns a lot about how the dark operates while immersed in it, especially as an apparently powerless child. A person learns a lot about the corporate mentality while working as one of the invisible drones. I have worked for lawyers for 15 years, mostly as a legal secretary. It has been a great way to see parasitization and the hierarchical mind in operation, from the inside out.
What a relief to be remembering now what my real work is, my true purpose. It no longer concerns me that what compels me to become all that I came here to be, is not acknowledged, valued or validated in any way, in a world that runs on greed and lies. To speak the truth, without judgment is a great freedom. I have gone from often feeling like "what's wrong with me, why am I not like other people?" to "oh boy, what new things am I going to remember/discover today within myself, and how to apply them in practical ways to being of service to myself and to the planet?" The true beginning of my spiritual awakening after years and years of searching!
Thank you again Laura Lee!
Carolyn C.
Legal Secretary
North Carolina
"Laura Lee intuitively creates a list of these gifts during the Indigo Reading. The list she creates is mind-blowing, yet somehow believable."
Laura Lee's Indigo Reading has been both helpful and refreshing for me. Before the reading, I knew I was an Indigo, but I was always asking, "what now?" It allowed me to put some perspective on being Indigo. I am now able to flow through life knowing that the things I experience do have purpose and that one purpose is to learn my gifts as an Indigo. Laura Lee intuitively creates a list of these gifts during the Indigo Reading. The list she creates is mind-blowing, yet somehow believable. For example, one item on my list is Mineral Kingdom Assistant. Never in a million years did I think I would be able to communicate to minerals and to use them in healings; however, because I seem to have an affinity to stones and gardening, it was actually quite believable to me. To conclude, I would recommend Laura Lee's Indigo Readings to any Indigo that wants a better perspective on their own Indigoness. I have no doubt it will prove to be worth every minute.
Lena K.
Postal Worker
"I recently made a major life change, and the support I received prior to and since making that change has been absolutely integral in helping me to transition smoothly, and to expand into "more of me."
I have worked with Laura Lee over the last several months both with Kryahgenetics and readings. I have come to consider Laura Lee to be one of my spiritual counselors, not only because of her abilities, but also because of her integrity, warmth, caring, and the fact that she is grounded, clear, and focused on helping her clients become empowered in themselves.
My work with Laura Lee, whether it is Kryahgenetics or a reading, is always illuminating and supportive. I recently made a major life change, and the support I received prior to and since making that change has been absolutely integral in helping me to transition smoothly, and to expand into "more of me."
I feel very, very blessed in having this kind of support!
Integrative Health Clinic Manager
"The remembering gave me my purpose, and my indigo reading with Laura Lee helped give me direction."
I spent the first 24 years of my life knowing that I was different and did not fit into this world. Then I discovered I was and Indigo, and started the journey of remembering who I truly am. The remembering gave me my purpose, and my indigo reading with Laura Lee helped give me direction.
The reading helped to start me on a path of finding and exploring my giftedness and true self. It also helped to validate messages I had previously received from other elders and my guides.
Laura Lee is a terrific and loving Indigo elder and teacher. I highly recommend her to anyone searching for a way to start their own journey of self-discovery.
K. Pruitt
Customer Service Rep.
"She has helped me look behind appearances and subterfuge and into the core of the complex energies that govern my interpersonal relationships."
Laura Lee is a visionary spiritual healer and guide. She has helped me look behind appearances and subterfuge and into the core of the complex energies that govern my interpersonal relationships.
Laura Lee's insights, uncompromising yet compassionate, have helped me to see the larger landscape of my life. She has directed me away from investing time and effort into battles I cannot win. More importantly, she has on more than one occasion cast sudden light on exciting new possibilities within reach but needing only recognition, courage and resolve to actualize.
Trial Lawyer
Laura Lee Offers Several Readings
Guide and Guardian Readings
Discover how many Guardians and Spirit Guides you have at this time, and also what Realms or Kingdoms they are from, (such as the Dragon, Fairy/ Elemental, Animal, Mystical Animal, UV-Realm Buddies, etc.). In some cases, "Spirit Guides" can even be pets that have passed over to the other side, gone to the appropriate "Guide School", and are now Assigned/Volunteer to come back and help you. Find out which ones are Full Time, which ones are Part Time, which ones are Temps, and which ones are Permanent….. and most of all, find out exactly what they CAN or CANNOT do to assist you.
Spiritual Contracts
If you have been confused and frustrated, wondering and searching for exactly what it is that you came to this Earth to do and be... you have come to the right place. This reading will assist you in finding your "Earth Life’s" purposes. When the information is unveiled, you will know if it is true by the peace you feel and how it resonates in your core. You will have a sense of freedom, and an excitement and passion for what has been revealed to you. You will gain clarity and motivation where there was once confusion and frustration. For Profiles of a First Wave Indigo Knights, click here. "First Wave Indigo Adults" .)
Medical Intuitive Readings
If you have questions about your health or that of a loved one, this reading will be very valuable to you. Information on the status of body parts / organs, and also the cause of physical symptoms can be accessed. You can also find out what to do to reverse the symptoms and revitalize the body. If there is a need, Laura Lee can do "Remote Healing Transmissions" to balance the body. (See Body/Organ Scanning & Muscle-Skeletal balancing in the Mistyc House of Healing web pages). This information and energy transmission can also be accessed for infants and pets.
Time Line Therapy/Soul Retrieval
Sometimes when we have experienced physical trauma or severe emotional pain, we can leave parts of our selves or our essence stuck in the "Time-Space" of that particular incident. We go on with life and feel a void, an emptiness … something is missing. That is because IT IS MISSING! This "absence of self" can cause many different types of malfunctions and can be carried through this life as well as past existences. Laura Lee has developed a thorough yet enjoyable method of retrieving and reinstalling the lost aspects of your self. The results of this process bring miraculous healing filled with in-depth self-discovery, and plenty of "Ah-Hah's!" If you would like one of these sessions, Your Aurauralite pendant or Aulmauracite rock makes moving through the Time-Space Continuum much easier and brings truth to any misperceptions of the past. It also is a unique protective tool that will keep your journey safe, secure, and focused, with minimal interference.
Metallic - Organic - Psychic Implant Removal
There are different types of implants you can acquire, which are used for tracking, monitoring, and controlling people's thoughts, emotions, and actions on the planet today. Some of these implants are useful and put there to assist you, but most of them were designed to control you, and many times make your life a living Hell! Some of these implants need special treatment and have to be dismantled in a certain order, similar to disarming a bomb. Once these are properly dismantled and eliminated, and your authentic essence restored, total transformations take place as sovereignty and freedom are restored. Laura Lee has had many varieties of personal experience with implants, and has figured out stealth full methods of successful implant removal. Having your Aurauralite/Aulmauracite present to assist in this process is mandatory.
It is mandatory that you purchase either an Aurauralite pendant, and or an Aulmauracite rock to have with you during the session. Information on this "Stone of Truth" can be found at:
Laura Lee has been in the holistic healing and consulting field for over 30 years, and developed several cutting edge healing techniques that have assisted hundreds of her clients in relieving physical, emotional, and spiritual pain and suffering.
For more information on Laura Lee’s back ground in spiritual, psychic, and healing disciplines, visit the rest of this site at
Natural healing information:
Laura Lee also does Ghost Busting!
First Wave Indigo Profiles: